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NR4 Candle Strategy 5

NR4 and NR7 Trading Strategy – contraction and expansion technique

Narrow Range 4 and Narrow Range 7 (NR4 and NR7 Trading Strategy)  – contraction and expansion technique

The NR4 and NR7 Trading Strategies assist us in locating stocks ahead of time so that we can prepare for and profit from impending stock movement. The market goes through regular contraction and expansion cycles, which is where the NR4 and NR7 Trading Strategies excel.

In this trade setup, you should patiently wait for the market to enter into contraction, which means for the range of the bars to narrow. When we see NR4 or NR7, we can expect a larger price movement and direction. It is a breakout and reversal pattern that aids in profit generation after a range.

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Support and Resistance in Trading

nr4 and nr7 trading strategy in Intraday with inside bar formation and ORB- trusted trading technique

nr4 and nr7 trading strategy in Intraday with inside bar formation and ORB- trusted trading technique

Today’s we cover most used and tested technique for trading intraday. the theory here is that stocks dont make move’s all time but they move in waves where after a period of days like 7 and 4 where a candle makes lowest range(high and low of a day) compared to last 4 or 7 days then that day is called nr4 and nr7 day respectively and is expected to make a move that day.

In nr7 trading strategy

that is after a nr7 candlestick day is formed like explained above nr7 stock for that reason nr4 and nr7 trading strategy takes place the next … Read the rest