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advanced option strategies

Big players game of futures and options for small players



In the world of financial markets, big players often engage in complex strategies to maximize their profits. One such strategy involves selling options in the futures and options market. In this article, we will explore how these big players win by selling options.

Understanding Options

Options are financial derivatives that give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price within a specified time period. When big players sell options, they are essentially taking on the role of the option seller or writer.

Generating Income

One of the main reasons big players sell options is to generate income. When they sell options, they receive a premium from the … Read the rest

Successful Weekly Options Strategies – Greeks work for you !

How does this tricks work for Successful trading?

The trick works by making the Greeks work for you but not against you like Theta, Delta, Vega.

How to make a Trade on Options based on Trading day

Highest decay in Option premiums happen closer to the expiry.

For weekly options

  1. On Start of weekly options say Friday and Monday you can look for buy strategies with limited risk and limited reward using the Option strategies like Bull Call spread etc.. based on market outlook. Or even long iron condor if you anticipate a huge movement on any side.  Long straddle and Long straddle can also be used.
  2. On Towards end of Week that is Wednesday and Thursdays, time decay is
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