WIPRO Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

WIPRO Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

WIPRO Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent
2024-05-13 WIPRO 451.9 449.3 3555804 42.12

WIPRO Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Prev_Close Close CHGP VWAP Volume Turnover Trades Open_Int Del_Percent Fut_OI Fut_COI Fut_CHGP CEOI CECHOI CECH_OI PEOI PECHOI PECH_OI Fut_Analysis
2024-06-14 482.6 477.5 478.6 5661298 27 134.137 64869000 64869 5572 8 38606 4156 10 22496 706 3
2024-06-13 476.9 482.6 482.9 6497966 31 110.667 59296500 59296 -660 -1 34449 -676 -1 21789 -280 -1
2024-06-12 476.05 476.9 479.9 6937558 33 145.168 59956500 59956 1392 2 35126 1102 3 22070 838 3
2024-06-11 475.25 476.0 476.7 4685857 22 67.351 58564500 58564 1152 1 34023 156 0 21231 54 0
2024-06-10 484.55 475.2 477.6 9155876 44 128.553 57412500 57412 3334 5 33867 7858 23 21177 423 2
2024-05-18 461.0 462.5 0.34 462.1 439806 2 9.611 55.66
2024-05-17 464.45 461.0 -0.74 461.4 3438410 16 69.648 42.62
2024-05-16 458.3 464.4 1.34 462.2 7310736 34 199.329 28.99
2024-05-15 456.35 458.3 0.43 457.5 2396712 11 51.332 35.72
2024-05-14 451.95 456.3 0.97 456.0 2454710 11 50.943 37.20
2024-05-13 451.85 451.9 0.02 449.3 3555804 16 70.59 42.12
2024-05-10 455.9 451.8 -0.89 453.0 3327357 15 87.956 33.57