POLYCAB Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

POLYCAB Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

POLYCAB Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent

POLYCAB Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Prev_Close Close CHGP VWAP Volume Turnover Trades Open_Int Del_Percent Fut_OI Fut_COI Fut_CHGP CEOI CECHOI CECH_OI PEOI PECHOI PECH_OI Fut_Analysis
2024-06-14 7047.2 7079.9 7075.6 409053 29 46.318 1714575 5715 214 3 2907 78 2 1646 -24 -1
2024-06-13 7002.0 7047.2 7016.6 378833 27 43.625 1650325 5501 141 2 2829 -50 -1 1670 80 4
2024-06-12 6997.9 7002.0 7017.3 297295 21 32.217 1607950 5360 -15 0 2878 174 6 1590 74 4
2024-06-11 6798.9 6997.9 6919.5 435671 30 50.706 1612500 5375 163 3 2704 394 14 1516 113 7
2024-06-10 6846.45 6798.9 6809.2 636790 43 72.374 1563650 5212 131 2 2311 163 7 1403 145 10
2024-05-18 6490.95 6496.2 0.08 6497.6 28685 2 3.955 44.10
2024-05-17 6470.3 6490.9 0.32 6497.1 305803 20 42.85 41.70
2024-05-16 6466.9 6470.3 0.05 6469.6 343819 22 42.463 32.16
2024-05-15 6323.55 6466.9 2.27 6437.4 671424 43 72.423 27.33
2024-05-14 6430.9 6323.5 -1.67 6338.1 507179 32 58.461 27.46
2024-05-13 6155.65 6430.9 4.47 6351.3 1788362 114 163.319 24.58
2024-05-10 5803.5 6155.6 6.07 6119.1 3423107 209 265.454 17.08