NAUKRI Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

NAUKRI Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

NAUKRI Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent
2024-05-13 NAUKRI 6057.0 6026.8 218002 50.52

NAUKRI Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Prev_Close Close CHGP VWAP Volume Turnover Trades Open_Int Del_Percent Fut_OI Fut_COI Fut_CHGP CEOI CECHOI CECH_OI PEOI PECHOI PECH_OI Fut_Analysis
2024-06-14 6266.7 6242.9 6244.7 256060 16 35.906 1366500 10932 157 1 5008 2 0 2945 -44 -1
2024-06-13 6250.5 6266.7 6305.1 223143 14 37.533 1346850 10775 238 2 5005 1049 20 2989 157 5
2024-06-12 6221.15 6250.5 6273.0 379069 24 55.193 1317150 10537 -49 0 3956 168 4 2832 185 6
2024-06-11 6226.95 6221.1 6263.6 238057 15 29.37 1323300 10586 -187 -1 3788 131 3 2647 37 1
2024-06-10 6229.8 6226.9 6229.9 297829 19 32.285 1346700 10774 -348 -3 3658 91 2 2610 185 7
2024-05-18 6222.0 6200.3 -0.35 6177.7 33917 2 3.72 25.02
2024-05-17 5866.75 6222.0 6.06 6241.3 1542851 96 158.907 21.49
2024-05-16 5941.6 5866.7 -1.26 5847.6 450051 26 68.755 26.20
2024-05-15 6017.3 5941.6 -1.26 5946.5 159527 9 32.671 43.53
2024-05-14 6057.0 6017.3 -0.66 6049.4 179878 11 34.273 44.02
2024-05-13 6027.4 6057.0 0.49 6026.8 218002 13 29.574 50.52
2024-05-10 5952.05 6027.4 1.27 5966.8 280514 17 48.782 49.65