DEEPAKNTR Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

DEEPAKNTR Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

DEEPAKNTR Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent

DEEPAKNTR Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Symbol Prev_Close Close VWAP Volume Turnover_lakhs Trades Open_Int Del_Percent
2024-06-14 2411.05 2413.7 2419.53 450097 26.364 2132700
2024-06-13 2351.8 2411.05 2393.93 502975 32.308 2217600
2024-06-12 2316.0 2351.8 2340.14 377841 24.212 2240400
2024-06-11 2302.4 2316.0 2320.11 340586 24.083 2267700
2024-06-10 2282.05 2302.4 2302.95 222425 17.43 2267400
2024-05-18 2474.65 2527.15 2518.7 102435 9.02 40.31
2024-05-17 2448.45 2474.65 2469.51 181347 19.478 28.21
2024-05-16 2424.25 2448.45 2437.12 164601 19.439 37.84
2024-05-15 2469.15 2424.25 2441.41 119207 12.519 33.74
2024-05-14 2482.7 2469.15 2472.31 121988 12.429 40.55
2024-05-13 2494.55 2482.7 2467.44 169202 16.719 32.95
2024-05-10 2435.8 2494.55 2464.82 284452 23.679 34.99