CROMPTON Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

CROMPTON Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

CROMPTON Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent
2024-05-16 CROMPTON 339.1 336.2 2777003 63.30
2024-05-15 CROMPTON 338.1 335.9 4231184 61.20
2024-05-13 CROMPTON 326.6 325.0 2076617 47.59
2024-05-10 CROMPTON 329.9 331.0 4004683 55.42

CROMPTON Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Prev_Close Close CHGP VWAP Volume Turnover Trades Open_Int Del_Percent Fut_OI Fut_COI Fut_CHGP CEOI CECHOI CECH_OI PEOI PECHOI PECH_OI Fut_Analysis
2024-06-14 425.05 426.5 425.6 2452871 10 49.05 18298800 12199.2 -132 -1.08% 3084 -182.4 -5.91% 2683.2 -85.2 -3.18%
2024-06-13 422.2 425.0 423.3 2079757 9 33.116 18496800 12331.2 -97.2 -0.79% 3266.4 -372 -11.39% 2768.4 -81.6 -2.95%
2024-06-12 411.2 422.2 418.1 3722848 16 61.291 18642600 12428.4 862.8 6.94% 3638.4 -572.4 -15.73% 2850 91.2 3.20%
2024-06-11 411.8 411.2 415.5 2571903 11 45.998 17348400 11565.6 171.6 1.48% 4210.8 -67.2 -1.60% 2758.8 453.6 16.44%
2024-06-10 397.35 411.8 410.7 7137516 29 80.814 17091000 11394 984 8.64% 4278 832.8 19.47% 2305.2 727.2 31.55%
2024-05-18 391.9 401.9 2.56 403.5 2131340 9 29.669 30.14
2024-05-17 339.1 391.9 15.57 386.9 5108753 198 380.068 19.45
2024-05-16 338.1 339.1 0.30 336.2 2777003 9 25.347 63.30
2024-05-15 333.15 338.1 1.49 335.9 4231184 14 36.999 61.20
2024-05-14 326.65 333.1 1.99 329.5 2337229 8 35.088 54.65
2024-05-13 329.9 326.6 -0.99 325.0 2076617 7 23.725 47.59
2024-05-10 335.8 329.9 -1.76 331.0 4004683 13 31.683 55.42