COALINDIA Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

COALINDIA Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

COALINDIA Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent
2024-05-17 COALINDIA 470.2 470.6 10625019 51.63

COALINDIA Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Prev_Close Close CHGP VWAP Volume Turnover Trades Open_Int Del_Percent Fut_OI Fut_COI Fut_CHGP CEOI CECHOI CECH_OI PEOI PECHOI PECH_OI Fut_Analysis
2024-06-14 487.9 486.9 488.0 5974636 29 75.705 56376600 13423 98 0.73% 13053.5 453.5 3.47% 6762 80 1.18%
2024-06-13 488.7 487.9 486.9 7438571 36 105.315 55965000 13325 143 1.07% 12600 931 7.39% 6682 210 3.14%
2024-06-12 476.35 488.7 489.2 15412796 75 163.845 55364400 13182 117.5 0.89% 11669 -585.5 -5.02% 6472 200 3.09%
2024-06-11 477.7 476.3 479.0 11169021 54 87.205 54870900 13064.5 754.5 5.78% 12254.5 1045 8.53% 6272 627.5 10.00%
2024-06-10 479.15 477.7 482.0 10958537 53 133.266 51702000 12310 57.5 0.47% 11209.5 593 5.29% 5644.5 261 4.62%
2024-05-18 470.25 469.7 -0.12 471.0 986166 5 13.074 68.53
2024-05-17 468.3 470.2 0.42 470.6 10625019 50 106.493 51.63
2024-05-16 467.85 468.3 0.10 466.8 17232651 80 216.546 33.98
2024-05-15 448.7 467.8 4.27 462.9 23543942 109 202.401 36.16
2024-05-14 444.0 448.7 1.06 448.5 6592194 30 114.394 52.95
2024-05-13 449.4 444.0 -1.20 441.9 11107909 49 147.904 37.90
2024-05-10 443.5 449.4 1.33 447.3 9190621 41 117.407 31.10