BATAINDIA Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

BATAINDIA Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

BATAINDIA Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent

BATAINDIA Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Symbol Prev_Close Close VWAP Volume Turnover_lakhs Trades Open_Int Del_Percent
2024-06-14 1468.4 1451.8 1460.56 439642 13.46 3704625
2024-06-13 1464.2 1468.4 1466.29 262442 15.868 3739125
2024-06-12 1474.45 1464.2 1470.71 349208 26.041 3721875
2024-06-11 1482.7 1474.45 1489.08 383699 23.61 3634875
2024-06-10 1465.9 1482.7 1484.03 686400 37.822 3625500
2024-05-18 1353.05 1374.1 1369.55 147930 6.738 66.91
2024-05-17 1334.5 1353.05 1351.34 805358 24.118 65.14
2024-05-16 1327.15 1334.5 1329.36 164981 8.875 44.45
2024-05-15 1328.85 1327.15 1326.98 165453 11.285 37.23
2024-05-14 1317.2 1328.85 1326.52 288805 17.287 50.23
2024-05-13 1309.1 1317.2 1308.33 294086 20.614 36.63
2024-05-10 1298.55 1309.1 1307.5 247831 20.325 35.25