BANKNIFTY INDEX Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.
Long Builtup and ShortCovering are bullish signs and Short Builtup and Long Unwind are bearish signs

BANKNIFTY Stock Daily Analysis

Date Prev_Close Close CHGP Volume Turnover Open_Int Fut_OI Fut_COI Fut_CHGP CEOI CECHOI CECH_OI PEOI PECHOI PECH_OI Fut_Analysis FiveDaysAnalysis
2023-03-21 39361.9 39894.7 1.35 0 0
2023-03-20 39598.1 39361.9 -0.60 173823282 730
2023-03-17 39132.6 39598.1 1.19 173387891 749
2023-03-16 39051.5 39132.6 0.21 196309704 743
2023-03-15 39411.4 39051.5 -0.91 164310498 734
2023-03-14 39564.7 39411.4 -0.39 205727331 991
2023-03-13 40485.4 39564.7 -2.27 174457859 888
2023-03-10 41256.7 40485.4 -1.87 145262034 732
2023-03-09 41577.1 41256.7 -0.77 119231844 660
2023-03-08 41350.4 41577.1 0.55 157566079 716
2023-03-06 41251.3 41350.4 0.24 180157976 770
2023-03-03 40389.8 41251.3 2.13 213840069 701
2023-03-02 40698.1 40389.8 -0.76 149213201 623
2023-03-01 40269.0 40698.1 1.07 169749567 638
2023-02-28 40307.1 40269.0 -0.09 327753581 952
2023-02-27 39909.4 40307.1 1.00 165150412 537
2023-02-24 40001.5 39909.4 -0.23 144558694 483
2023-02-23 39995.9 40001.5 0.01 200503324 681
2023-02-22 40673.6 39995.9 -1.67 155197486 514
2023-02-21 40701.7 40673.6 -0.07 170243478 537

Yesterday Analysis of BankNifty constituents Values

Date Symbol Close WEIGHTAGE VWAP Volume Del_Percent Analysis_PClose Analysis_VWAP FiveDaysAnalysis
2024-06-14 HDFCBANK 1596.9 26.21 1592.1 LongBuiltup LongBuiltup ShortCovering
2024-06-14 ICICIBANK 1105. 23.72 1106. ShortBuiltup ShortBuiltup LongUnwind
2024-06-14 SBIN 839.2 11.86 841.9 ShortBuiltup ShortBuiltup LongUnwind
2024-06-14 AXISBANK 1181. 11.77 1178. ShortCovering ShortCovering ShortCovering
2024-06-14 AXISBANK 1181. 11.77 1178. ShortCovering ShortCovering ShortCovering
2024-06-14 KOTAKBANK 1717.2 11.08 1718.5 ShortBuiltup ShortBuiltup LongUnwind
2024-06-14 INDUSINDBK 1502. 5.89 1505. LongUnwind LongUnwind ShortBuiltup
2024-06-14 AUBANK 661.25 2.72 662.16 ShortBuiltup ShortBuiltup ShortBuiltup
2024-06-14 BANKBARODA 286.2 1.88 285.0 LongBuiltup LongBuiltup LongBuiltup
2024-06-14 BANDHANBNK 194.3 1.85 194.6 ShortCovering LongUnwind ShortBuiltup