ADANIGREEN Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

ADANIGREEN Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

ADANIGREEN Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent
2024-05-17 ADANIGREEN 1833.0 1832.4 3248320 63.07
2024-05-16 ADANIGREEN 1844.4 1842.2 3670374 58.57
2024-05-15 ADANIGREEN 1839.1 1831.5 8281198 59.73

ADANIGREEN Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Prev_Close Close CHGP VWAP Volume Turnover Trades Open_Int Del_Percent Fut_OI Fut_COI Fut_CHGP CEOI CECHOI CECH_OI PEOI PECHOI PECH_OI Fut_Analysis
2024-06-14 1797.55 1806.3 1803.5 1154364 21 47.719
2024-06-13 1827.35 1797.5 1812.1 836369 15 43.317
2024-06-12 1855.7 1827.3 1844.3 596596 11 37.669
2024-06-11 1880.35 1855.7 1868.8 666368 12 37.76
2024-06-10 1864.25 1880.3 1891.5 1239388 23 60.189
2024-05-18 1833.0 1831.9 -0.06 1832.2 69338 1 5.379 49.97
2024-05-17 1844.4 1833.0 -0.62 1832.4 3248320 60 51.706 63.07
2024-05-16 1839.15 1844.4 0.29 1842.2 3670374 68 62.671 58.57
2024-05-15 1788.8 1839.1 2.81 1831.5 8281198 152 118.004 59.73
2024-05-14 1715.15 1788.8 4.29 1750.0 3657569 64 106.247 51.41
2024-05-13 1714.75 1715.1 0.02 1677.1 3451084 58 109.434 53.16
2024-05-10 1712.15 1714.7 0.15 1718.2 2252527 39 90.307 61.16