DALBHARAT Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

DALBHARAT Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

DALBHARAT Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent
2024-05-17 DALBHARAT 1814.5 1807.3 224488 50.21
2024-05-16 DALBHARAT 1789.4 1776.0 313111 59.10
2024-05-15 DALBHARAT 1760.9 1752.4 320148 54.42

DALBHARAT Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Symbol Prev_Close Close VWAP Volume Turnover_lakhs Trades Open_Int Del_Percent
2024-06-14 DALBHARAT 1901.8 1882.3 1877.3 324946 6 24.414 3400025
2024-06-13 DALBHARAT 1900.1 1901.8 1892.4 345055 7 25.64 3224200
2024-06-12 DALBHARAT 1887.95 1900.1 1891.4 792509 15 39.049 3118125
2024-06-11 DALBHARAT 1875.5 1887.9 1888.6 448525 8 37.011 3017300
2024-06-10 DALBHARAT 1809.95 1875.5 1855.7 646242 12 44.434 3049800
2024-05-18 DALBHARAT 1814.5 1818.9 1817.8 20499 0 2.051 56.65
2024-05-17 DALBHARAT 1789.45 1814.5 1807.3 224488 4 13.889 50.21
2024-05-16 DALBHARAT 1760.95 1789.4 1776.0 313111 6 20.744 59.10
2024-05-15 DALBHARAT 1757.75 1760.9 1752.4 320148 6 16.458 54.42
2024-05-14 DALBHARAT 1742.7 1757.7 1749.6 107674 2 11.11 45.46
2024-05-13 DALBHARAT 1714.85 1742.7 1724.1 166202 3 12.286 30.34
2024-05-10 DALBHARAT 1728.25 1714.8 1723.1 320362 6 25.676 51.44