ASTRAL Stock Analysis and important levels are listed below

Please check the Trend and trade with Trend for higher probability
Please note that Narrow CPR Stocks can trend in any direction. It is higher probability trade.

ASTRAL Stock Analysis and important levels marked

Important levels marked as per price action level.

ASTRAL Important level VWAP Values

Date Symbol Close VWAP Volume Del_Percent
2024-05-18 ASTRAL 2193.7 2206.2 302615 48.15
2024-05-16 ASTRAL 2273.0 2256.7 763037 46.60
2024-05-15 ASTRAL 2212.5 2209.9 532249 55.02

ASTRAL Stock Daily Analysis with Del%

Date Prev_Close Close CHGP VWAP Volume Turnover Trades Open_Int Del_Percent Fut_OI Fut_COI Fut_CHGP CEOI CECHOI CECH_OI PEOI PECHOI PECH_OI Fut_Analysis
2024-06-14 2236.2 2269.4 2272.1 658492 15 55.949 2714699 9871.632727272727 157.47636363636363 1.60% 4734.967272727273 170.82181818181817 3.61% 2316.7709090909093 138.79272727272726 5.99%
2024-06-13 2226.45 2236.2 2238.4 292695 7 31.349 2671393 9714.156363636364 -85.41090909090909 -0.88% 4564.145454545454 -168.15272727272728 -3.68% 2177.978181818182 -113.43636363636364 -5.21%
2024-06-12 2194.85 2226.4 2238.2 706912 16 49.797 2694881 9799.567272727272 212.19272727272727 2.17% 4732.298181818182 302.9418181818182 6.40% 2291.4145454545455 260.23636363636365 11.36%
2024-06-11 2160.75 2194.8 2204.7 664660 15 47.485 2636528 9587.374545454546 198.84727272727272 2.07% 4429.356363636363 367 8.29% 2031.1781818181819 201.51636363636365 9.92%
2024-06-10 2158.8 2160.7 2150.3 111945 24 72.869 2581845 9388.527272727273 591.2036363636364 6.30% 4062.3563636363638 401.6981818181818 9.89% 1829.6618181818183 149.4690909090909 8.17%
2024-05-18 2303.0 2193.7 -4.74 2206.2 302615 7 19.933 48.15
2024-05-17 2273.05 2303.0 1.32 2309.7 124690 29 86.133 28.18
2024-05-16 2212.5 2273.0 2.74 2256.7 763037 17 58.468 46.60
2024-05-15 2211.55 2212.5 0.04 2209.9 532249 12 44.499 55.02
2024-05-14 2215.55 2211.5 -0.18 2221.0 733542 16 58.453 34.81
2024-05-13 2158.65 2215.5 2.64 2179.1 144751 32 83.477 25.61
2024-05-10 2072.05 2158.6 4.18 2133.7 105503 23 65.718 40.31